“Realization of Truth is higher than all else. Higher still is truthful living.”
-Guru Nanak Dev ji

Guru Nanak Jayanti which commemorates the birthday of Guru Nanak Dev Ji- the first Sikh guru and the founder of Sikhism, was celebrated with great religious dedication, zeal and fervour in Salwan Montessori School. A weeklong celebration starting from 2nd November till 7th November was organised with boundless excitement and energy. Guru Nanak Ji’s teachings– doing good deeds, praying every day and sharing with everyone, were highlighted through various videos of his stories. Gurudwara visit, Sukhmani Sahib ji’s Path, distribution of Kada Prasad were organised with the help of Sikh parents. Students were guided to keep their heads covered, hands joined while reciting Shabad kirtan and Mool Mantra during assemblies to help them learn the lesson of respecting every religion, following the path of universal brotherhood and harmony. Students were introduced to the Community Kitchen- known as Langar, which was organised in the school premises. All the students, teachers and support staff sat on the ground on mats, cross-legged with their hands joined and heads covered served each other to instill the value of sharing and collaboration among children. The programme concluded on a happy note with the unbeatable excitement amongst the students.

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