Yoga Day & Taekwondo

Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate. Yoga and taekwondo are part of physical activities that support the development of strong bones, muscles, a healthy heart and lung in addition to helping one maintain a healthy body . When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life’s challenges with a littel more ease. 

ME Programme

The theory of Multiple Intelligences claims that there is genius in every child. Every child can become an expert in one field or another. The challenge is to identify the child’s strengths, interest and capabilities. Considering the importance of cultivating each one’s unique talents, we at Salwan Montessori School implement the ME Programme. Each child is exposed to an array of enriching activities so that they are able to identify their strengths and also have positive learning experiences. This will ultimately develop the capability to identify new solutions to existing problems in real life. Thus, a Resource room with various centres has been developed to help children identify their strengths. These are:

  • Literacy centre
  • Manipulative centre
  • Music Centre
  • Dramatic play and Puppet centre
  • Kitchen corner
  • Multimedia Centre
  • Block and Puzzle centre
  • Math Centre
  • Science Centre


Little Scientists at Work

Engaging young children in science experiments is crucial for laying a foundation of future learning. These experiments spark curiosity and a love for exploration. Through hands-on activities, children develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. They foster creativity, enhance motor skills, and encourage teamwork. Early exposure to science experiments cultivates a positive attitude towards learning, deepens their understanding of the world, and nurtures a lifelong passion for scientific exploration.



Story Telling Workshop

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them stories. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more stories”.

It has been rightly said that Story telling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world. Keeping the objectives and the miraculous impact of storytelling in mind, a story telling session was organized for the children where life and expression was in abundance. The session began with sharing the benefits of storytelling for the children, which was followed by a mesmerizing Story Presentation ‘Gajapati Kaulapati’, using beautiful elements, props and voice modulation.

The children were glued to their screens and completely engrossed in the story. They got so excited to see ‘Gajju’, the elephant and watched the whole story with concentration.

There are undoubtedly many little ways to enlarge your child’s world; the love of books is the best of all. Storytelling can encourage students to explore their unique expressions and can heighten a student’s ability to communicate thoughts and feelings in an articulated, lucid manner. It helps improve their language skills, instills a love of reading, and stirs their imagination. The session was very interesting and was highly appreciated by all.

Welcome Party

Every year the session begins with joyful eyes and beautiful smiles on the faces of new entrants. In our endeavour to make our tiny tots comfortable and to build their interest in the online classes, a fun filled welcome party is organized in the month of April.

Sustainable Development Goals

“What we do today, can improve all our tomorrow.”

There is no issue more essential than the task of protecting our world for future generations, we do realise as the school pursues its objective of developing global leaders and offering  holistic education. Because of this, the school actively backs the Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN. The school is firmly devoted to promoting the essence of the UN Sustainable Development Goals both inside the school and throughout the local community.

The school has an inclusive agenda that aims to make sure every student is aware of the UNSDGs and takes an active role in helping to achieve them.

Raising awareness and taking action to achieve the SDGs has taken the top spot on everyone’s agenda and has become the main focus. The school wants to keep working to raise awareness of the UNSDGs and encourage everyone to take the necessary steps to ensure that the planet is peaceful and sustainable for both the present and the future generations.

Drop Everything and Read Programme

Educating children about the optimum utilization of resources available to us must start at an early age be it food, water, trees, plants, air and our surroundings at large. In an endeavor to catch them young and to make them aware of the importance of recycling and reusing things. Best out of waste activity was planned for them. In this activity the children created different modes of transport using waste material. It was a fun filled activity which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

At SMS, we wholeheartedly encourage children to embrace the joy of reading. We firmly believe that reading has the power to transform their perspectives and open doors to limitless possibilities. To foster a love for books, we have created an engaging and exciting reading program at SMS, where we make reading a fun activity.

Play at the Core

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning” – -Diane Ackerman

Rightly said, play is the work of children. It allows them to learn the skills of negotiation, problem solving, sharing, and working within groups and discover their own interests during play. To cater the same, we at Salwan Montessori School took up the initiative to organize Play Dates for children to get together for some time to engage with their peers and magnify their overall development.

No Bag Day

In an effort to promote sustainability, raise environmental awareness, and lighten the load on students’ shoulders, Salwan Montessori school has embraced the concept of “No Bag Day.” This innovative initiative encouraged students to attend school without their heavy backpacks, fostering a more eco-friendly and stress-free learning environment. No Bag Day essentially focusses on developing all 5domains essential to a child’s growth and development.

With an uncluttered classroom, students have more space and freedom to participate in activities that encourage active learning, collaboration, and creativity. No Bag Day creates a refreshing atmosphere, promoting a positive impact on students’ academic performance as well. The No bag day is celebrated every month. It is a day full of energy and excitement. A plethora of activities were planned for the children like Pottery, ball games, printing, story telling,

yoga, drill and lots more focusing on the Pancha kosha Vikas, the most important domains of a child’s growth and development. 

Morning Assemblies

The morning assembly is a crucial part of school culture, impacting the school’s functioning and atmosphere. Students gather with enthusiasm, setting a vibrant tone for the day. It plays a significant role in moral development and cultivates effective communication skills. Through skits, stories, speeches, and thoughts, students express their creativity and share meaningful messages.

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is crucial for children as it fosters active engagement and enhances their understanding of the world. Through hands-on activities, they develop essential skills like problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking. It encourages curiosity, social interaction, and cognitive growth, laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning and holistic development

Counselling Sessions

To foster the development of emotional intelligence in young children, relationships, interactions, and activities play a crucial role. The school counselor’s role goes beyond simply giving instructions; they guide and support children, allowing them to take charge and develop self-control. Special attention is dedicated to each child, ensuring their overall development is nurtured effectively. Through this approach, children are empowered to understand and manage their emotions, building strong emotional intelligence skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Jadui Pitara

It’s a Play-Based Pedagogy and a magic collection tool, an innovative child -centric teaching learning material developed under the curriculum goals of NCF for Foundational Stage. It is very enriching yey joyful Learning experience. It has toys, puzzles, Games, Flash Cards,Story Books & concrete objects.

Team Building Activities

Team building activities play a crucial role in promoting collaboration, communication, and social development among young children. Team Building Activities were organized by the Salwan Montessori School to foster collaboration and social development in young Salwanians. Through various activities, children got an opportunity to interact with their peers, develop important social skills, and establish a sense of belonging within a group. These games involved children cooperating and working together to achieve a common goal rather than competing against each other.

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School Admission

Founded in 1999, Salwan Montessori School, Gurgaon is an English medium coeducational preschool.