Parent Academy

Parent Academy

Parent-teacher collaboration in the early years of a child’s education is of paramount importance. This partnership between parents and educators lays a strong foundation for a child’s development and academic success. Since the early years of a child’s life are a critical period of growth and development during this time, the collaborative efforts of parents and teachers play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s future. This partnership creates a supportive environment that fosters learning, emotional well-being, and social development. In order to bridge the gap between classroom teaching and the parents and to make them equal partners in their child’s learning, SALWAN MONTESSORI SCHOOL takes the initiative to launch PARENT ACADEMIES – “A Gateway to Empowerment”, where in the parents will time to time be exposed to different modules and strategies which are crucial for their child’s development.

Learning Modules are as follows:

  • Child Development Seminars
  • Early literacy and Numeracy
  • Art and Creativity Sessions
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Interactive Playgroups
  • Technology and Screen Time Guidance
  • Multilingual and Multicultural Awareness
  • Family Engagement Projects
  • Parent -Teacher Conferences
  • Guest Speakers
  • Feedback and Evaluation

Role of these Academies

  • To Become full partners
  • To provide educational excellence
  • To unite families and schools
  • To encourage parents participation in workshops that are aligned with their needs
  • To foster an enriching and supportive educational environment
  • To understand child development
  • To promote early learning




Parent Academy 1.0

* Health & Nutrition

* Socio Emotional Concerns

The first Parent Academy session was conducted on 16th September 2023. Two modules were taken in this session Health and Nutrition conducted by Nutritionist & Dietician Ms. Shuchita Sharma (external resource person) and Socio Emotional Concerns of young learners (by Inhouse teachers). The session had an amazing impact on the parents  through hands-on-experience as they were given the opportunity to think and reflect on dealing with different situations. The session was a great success and was appreciated by all.