
In Pursuit of Excellence...

We, at Salwan Montessori School are concerned with balancing the overall development of the individual child through learning experiments in the school and at home. Here the children are encouraged to learn at their own pace in a nurturing environment where they are given ample opportunities to explore, experiment and learn by doing. The creativity of the children is enhanced through a wide range of activities supported by a dedicated team of teachers that are committed to the children’s future.

Early Childhood Education : Early childhood is considered the critical period in human development. During this period, children need a stimulating and enriching environment. The Montessori section of the school is committed to fostering sensitivity, integrity, pride and pursuit of excellence among its students while inculcating the love of learning in them. It aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing.

Instilling life skills and wellbeing skills in school support mental wellbeing in children now and in the future. They instill life skills such as happiness skills, strength skills, resolution skills, emotional skills, skills for being present, interaction skills, relationship skills, self-management skills as well as empathy skills at school. This way children grow up to be whole, mentally strong and resilient young adults.

Scholastic Programme

Language and Literacy: Language and literacy skills are very important during the pre-school years. It is the foundation of all social interaction and is hugely important for the children’s overall development. Stories, rhymes, role-play, drama, puppetry and songs are used to enhance the children’s language skills. Each classroom has a library with over 350 books. The children are encouraged to do a lot of picture reading and the children are also given books to take home every Friday.

Environmental Sensitivity:  The children are sensitised towards the environment and global issues through a wide range of activities.

Numeracy and Pre-number concepts:  Children enter the school with a wide range of numeracy skills. A lot of activities pertaining to development of pre-number/number concepts are done in the school to enhance opportunities for children to develop their early numeracy skills.

Grooming Divergent Thinkers...

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Labour Day

To enable our young learners to respect the immense hard…

Workshop: Table- Manners & Etiquettes

Salwan Montessori School is dedicated to providing comprehensive growth for…

Show and Tell

To strengthen the verbal skills and foster the public speaking…

School Admission

Founded in 1999, Salwan Montessori School, Gurgaon is an English medium coeducational preschool.