Gandhi Jayanti Celebration

October 25, 2023Above Footer / Left Sidebar Notifications, Events Only, Header Moving Notifications Onlyby Salwan Montessori School
“There is nothing higher than the Truth.”
Salwan Montessori School celebrated Gandhi Jayanti with a lot of enthusiasm on Friday, 29 September. To commemorate the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and Sh. Lal Bhahadur Shastri, second Prime-Minister of independent India, a special assembly, was organized to assimilate the teachings of these two great leaders.
Through the various presentations, tiny- tots conveyed Gandhi ji’ s noble messages in the most effective and influential manner. The special assembly began with Bapu’s favourite bhajan followed by action songs and dance. A child came dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi initiated the Dandi march and the followers delivered short speeches highlighting their quotes. Confident little Salwanians performed on the value of “Speak no evil, Hear no evil and See no evil”.
Students were exposed to the life and struggle of Mahatma Gandhi and Shastri ji through effective video clippings and motivated to imbibe the exemplary qualities of simple living and high thinking which are so valuable and relevant in today’s world.
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