Dental Workshop 2021

“Of all things you wear, your smile is the most beautiful”
A genuine smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile needs good dental care. To inculcate healthy habits and to help children take care of their oral health, a Dental Workshop was organised for the parents and children. The dentist explained every single detail related to oral hygiene in a very child friendly manner. With the help of a model denture, the children were made aware about the right techniques to brush their teeth and give them a healthy life. The right quantity of tooth paste and the right kind of tooth brush to be used were also nicely explained to the children.
She also educated the parents about the right age of natural tooth extraction and how to deal with any kind of abnormality. The importance of eating raw vegetables and whole fruit was also shared. The parents and the children were completely engrossed in the workshop and a good interactive session to resolve their queries was taken up towards the end. The workshop ended on a happy note and a clear concept of better teeth, better health.