Yellow Colour Day

May 14, 2022Above Footer / Left Sidebar Notifications, Events Only, Header Moving Notifications Onlyby Salwan Montessori School
“Yellow is the symbolic colour of spreading shine.”
Yellow is one of the happiest colours of the spectrum. It is the colour of happiness, cheerfulness, fun. an illuminating essence, and an innocence resonating strongly with children. On Monday, 9th May we, at Salwan Montessori School, celebrated Yellow colour day. To mark this day very special, students and the teachers were dressed in yellow clothes. The tiny tots looked stunning in their yellow outfits. The ‘Yellow Colour Day’ celebration was a wonderful learning activity which helped children to sort and classify objects based on colours there by reinforcing cognitive skills. Students actively participated in art & Craft activities. Everyone enjoyed doing lovely creative yellow colour craft activities.
Role Play Activity (Nursery)
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