Republic Day Celebration

February 8, 2022Above Footer / Left Sidebar Notifications, Events Only, Header Moving Notifications Onlyby Salwan Montessori School
“**Freedom in the mind, strength in the words, pureness in our blood, pride in our souls, zeal in our hearts, Let’s salute our India on Republic Day*”
India became a newly formed republic after the constitution of India was brought into effect on *26 January 1950*.The Republic day is celebrated every year to mark this date.
*Salwan Montessori School celebrated the 73rd Republic Day* with immense patriotic fervor and zeal through an online platform. A plethora of activities were organized to infuse the spirit of unity, brotherhood and patriotism among the little Salwanians. They were shown informative and motivational videos to inspire them to abide by the constitution of their motherland and fulfill all their duties as responsible future citizens.
Lohri Celebration
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