‘SAVE THE SOIL’ – Global Campaign by Sadhguru Jaggi ji

May 14, 2022Above Footer / Left Sidebar Notifications, Events Only, Header Moving Notifications Onlyby Salwan Montessori School
Soil is our life, Conserve it, preserve it . Save it for a healthy future.
The value and importance of soil should not be overlooked. As the health begins with soil. The soil is a medium for living things and lives itself and its strength can be killed by those not aware. In order to make our young learners aware and enlighten them about the importance of soil, save the soil campaign was carried out in Salwan Montessori School. A variety of activities were planned for the children to interact with the soil and learn in the enriching environment.
A nature walk was organized for them so that they could feel the soil and the various elements of nature like plants, trees, flowers, earthworms etc.They also contributed in making compost with fruits and vegetable peels. They watched story related to importance of soil and how to make soil enriched. The children also carried out tree plantation drive
In order to enlighten our little salwanians with the importance of precious SOIL, the campaign was graced by Ms. Paramjit Kaur Narang and Ms. Lata from renowned Sadhguru spiritual ISHA Foundation. Ms. Paramjit also narrated a beautiful and informational story to our tiny tots that motivated them to Save Soil and create a beautiful life for everyone.
Indeed, It was a week full of fun filled activities and various presentations that got the children close to the nature and gave them an insight about conserving and preserving the soil.
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