My First Day at School

Session 2023-24 commenced on 3rd April 2023 with a bag of mixed emotions. The teachers were all charged and geared up to welcome the New entrants with lots of energy and excitement. On the other hand our little babies were nervous on their first day of school.Soon the nervousness disappreared as they entered the beautifully decorated school.It was lovely to see them take their first step towards knowledge and development. Packed with bounteous emotions and excitement, the little angels entered the school adding their innocence & warmth to the castle of love. They enjoyed playing around, doing fun activities which their teachers had planned for them.They sang rhymes and danced to the tunes of peppy music. Teachers gave a warm welcome to the children as they embarked on a new journey of life and were gifted with welcome takeaways.The little Salwanians created beautiful memories on their first day at school and went home with happy stories and the zeal to come back the next day!
Annual Day 2023