KG Graduation Day Celebrations

March 22, 2022Above Footer / Left Sidebar Notifications, Events Only, Header Moving Notifications Onlyby Salwan Montessori School
KG Graduation Day Celebrations
“It’s not the End .. It’s a new beginning.”
Salwan Montessori School, Gurugram conducted grand Graduation Day ceremony for kindergarten batch 2021- 2022 from 14th to 17th March 2022 for our KG students who are going to get promoted in Grade I in SPS. It was a magnificent four days programme, where the young graduates of our school were felicitated with certificates and gifts. The nursery class children had put up a beautiful show for their outgoing seniors by dancing on foot tapping music and bidding them adieu. The class teachers shared their thoughts and experiences through personal remarks for the children and showered their love on them. The hard work and dedication of the children was also acknowledged with which they had attended the online classes and groomed themselves into more independent and confident selves. The parents also extended their gratitude and thanked the school and teachers for all their efforts. Our headmistress Ms Sona Gombar also gave her best wishes to our tiny tots and blessed them. It was indeed a memorable and joyous day not only for the little ones but also a proud moment for the parents and mentors.
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