Green Colour Day Celebrations

“Green is the prime colour of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”Everything around us is an array of colours. Green is the most common colour in the natural world, think of nature and see green in all its glory expressing renewal, life and energy. In order to emphasize the importance of green colour, Salwan Montessori School had Green colour day celebration on Wednesday, 24 August 2022. All the students and teachers came dressed in different shades of green. Students were taught the identification and recognition of green vegetables, leaves, trees and various other green objects. To provide sensory experience to our little ones for exploring this colour, Leaf and Hand Printing activity was also conducted in which children took part with great enthusiasm.Celebration of green colour days provided an opportunity to the little Salwanians a practical learning experience and made their day more enjoyable.
Raksha Bandhan Celebrations