Academic Day

It’s been rightly said that- “Story-telling is the most powerful way of putting ideas in a learner’s mind”
Tiny tots of Salwan Montessori School celebrated the successful culmination of session on virtual platform through Academic Day presentation on 11th March 2022. We at Salwan Montessori School yearn to create a learning environment full of stories and play to nurture compassion, expression and confidence in our young learners. This presentation was an endeavour to exhibit integrated learnings and culmination of the session. This year the theme for the Academic Day was “Happiness and Well-being” which was presented meticulously through a spectacular performance on the story “The Very Hungry caterpillar”* by the little ones. They enacted with great zeal, enthusiasm, beautiful costumes and creative props hence imbibing the value of healthy eating and keeping themselves happy all the time.
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