Musical Theatre

March 22, 2022Above Footer / Left Sidebar Notifications, Events Only, Header Moving Notifications Onlyby Salwan Montessori School
“Stories have always created endless magic in a child’s life”
We at SMS urge to create a learning environment full of stories and play throughout the year, which fosters in our young learners a lot of confidence and expression. It was a time to showcase the profound learnings of the whole session and culminate it into a theatrical extravaganza. So, our young learners exhibited their talent in the Musical theatre on Friday, 11th March 2022 on Zoom Platform. The themes for the event were *Jungle Book* and *Pinocchio*. The children made the whole screen look so bright and fabulous with their attractive costumes and backgrounds. It combined songs, dialogue, acting and dance. The story and emotional content of a Musical- Humor, love, anger is communicated through words, music, movement and technical aspects as integrated whole. Our young salwanians very proudly exhibited 21st century skills on this virtual platform 2 music. The audience was left spell bound with the intense showcase of their talent.
KG Graduation Day Celebrations
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